Nortrom and Nephthys, the Infernal Hedonists

Symbol A silhouette of a couple engaged in passionate sex
Home Plane The Lower Plane (Hell)
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Favoured Domains Chaos, Evil, Pleasure, Lust, Pride
Favoured Weapon Scourge

Art of Nephthys commissioned by Xinaelle

Nortrom and Nephthys, often portrayed as an incubus and succubus engaged in passionate lovemaking, are patron to all who do as they please. “If it feels good, do it” is the mantra of all who follow their teachings, and they certainly do. Followers of Nortrom and Nephthys frequent drug dens, brothels, and dark clubs where they engage in whatever carnal pleasures that suit their desires. Despite this, their followers are rarely violent, instead preferring to corrupt others to likewise follow their own desires, seeking nothing more than complete and total anarchy, where all do as they see fit. Because of this, their followers clash in ideals with almost every other paragon, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.

Paladins of Nortrom and Nephthys

Gain: Smite good or law. Nortrom and Nephthys do not grant any particular benefits to their paladins, as they expect all their followers to indulge to the extreme, using their paladins instead as a means to engage their slaughter happy followers to eliminate the followers of their opposing paragons, or as a means of maintaining the freedom of their other worshippers to do as they please.

Code of Conduct: A paladin of Nortrom and Nephthys must be of Chaotic Evil alignment and loses all class abilities if she ever ceases to be Chaotic Evil. In the case of an alignment change, the paladin's powers can only be restored by an atonment spell by a cleric of Antiochus and Lilith. Additionally, a paladin of Nortrom and Nephthys must take every opportunity to…

Associates: While she may adventure with characters of any alignment, a paladin of Nortrom and Nephthys… A paladin of Nortrom and Nephthys may accept only henchmen, followers, or cohorts who are chaotic evil.