
Tyche Asbeel

Name Tyche Asbeel
Race Human (Northern Confusa)
Alignment Neutral Evil
Paragon Antiochus and Lilith
Class Paladin of Antiochus and Lilith 3

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Loot History

The Nightmare
Tyche was 11 years old when his parents were forcefully taken from his life. That night, his whole world was ripped apart and thrown aside like the scraps of some hideous creatures feast. That night, was when Tyche's destiny was set in action.

He can remember it as clearly as untouched water on a small pond, he was told to hide by his father, looking terrified whilst trying to protect his siblings and their mother. Tyche hid in his favourite nook in the ceiling of his family's modest mansion, he had done this many times before as is provided him with solace and time to think - his siblings could also fit in here, he reached down to them and hoisted them up into the hole.

Shortly after they were hidden away, the front door burst asunder and a skeleton with flayed skin still attached to parts of it's body and limbs walked it's way in. His father, now dressed in the family armor charged from the back room, he exchanged some blows with the skeleton, dismantling it as though it was nothing. He moved forth, out of the house and Tyche could hear him fighting off whatever other horrors were besieging the town.

Suddenly, a loud explosion was heard as the front wall was blown in, amidst the rubble was his father, broken and battered, his mother came rushing out from her hiding space, shrieking as she tried to tend to her husband. Slowly approaching her was a being that Tyche could not describe, it looked as a skeleton, but with flesh still present, wearing armor and with glowing eyes. Steadily an orb of green light grew in the beings hand and once it was just outside arms reach of Tyche's mother it extended it's arm and let loose the orb - his mother was silenced as she slumped to the ground, the being stared at the pair of slain humans briefly, before walking away….

Destiny Revealed
Every day since that attack on Tyche's home he had devoted himself to getting stronger so he could hunt every undead being in the world. With his rage towards the undead still burning brighter than the sun at high-noon, he ignored the wishes of his siblings, telling them he would protect them and every other living being by devoting himself to this cause, good, or evil….

After 3 years, he had decided to seek out joining the clergy of Antiochus, and after being accepted, trained with them - learned the ways of slaughter. He took pride in his ability to sever limbs and heads from the undead creatures with his mighty scythe, Lich Reaper, which he so aptly named after he learned of the name of what killed his parents. He grew strong and intimidating, seeking knowledge of where to find undead, so that he may rip them apart.

Those who encounter him as a passerby generally keep their distance, however, those who know him well - and are living - know that he means no harm to them.

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  • Last modified: 2016/11/06 17:12
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